RYA Coastal Skipper & Yachtmaster Offshore - online theory course.
Presented and instructed by Duncan Wells, author of the Stress-Free series of sailing books costs £375 and includes Free our handy Lights, Shapes and Sound Signals at a glance card.
It is unique, presenter led and fully mentored.
Duncan Wells
"You may have done your Day Skipper many years ago, so…"
"Above All Shore Based Navigation Theory Should Be Fun And I Hope That Is What I Manage To Convey."
Shore-Based Course RYA/MCA Day Skipper Certificate
The Right Tools For The Job
Presenter led on videos
Just like our classroom courses – only all the resources are there for you to access whenever you want and then we have a weekly Zoom meeting.
Take as long as you like or go as quickly as you want. Our Yachtmaster course has always been run over 8 weeks but you can go much faster than this if you have the time.
A thorough grounding in all the traditional navigational disciplines plus integration with electronic navigation. Thanks to a tie up with Lightmaster and nauticalsoftware.com we are able to include real RADAR demos, integrated with MARPA and real VHF/DSC Mayday demos to give you a really good understanding of how they work and what they do. And we have a video on working with a chart plotter, waypoint plotting and passage planning to give you a good insight of what is available.
You are not alone. I will be with you all the way. In the videos, on email, on the phone and I am available on Zoom on a Tuesday at 7pm each week if you have questions. It is the most comprehensive Yachtmaster course there is. And presented by Duncan Wells, it is easy to understand.
There are fun multi choice quizzes throughout.
Includes: Shipping your pack to a UK address (If you want it sent anywhere else in the world please contact us) - 6 months' access - Weekly Zoom meet ups - Unlimited access to our team – headed by Duncan Wells
FREE PREVIEWAbout your Free Preview
FREE PREVIEWFree shipping for RYA Yachtmaster Packs sent to UK addresses.
FREE PREVIEWThe structure of the course, the order and the modules
FREE PREVIEWAre you ready to be a Yachtmaster? Here's a quiz to test your knowledge
FREE PREVIEWChart Projections
FREE PREVIEWA tip for reading the chart!
FREE PREVIEWIntroduction to chartwork
FREE PREVIEWA short quiz on the 'Introduction to chartwork' - to get started!
FREE PREVIEWCollision Regulations - Part 1 - Lights on vessels
FREE PREVIEWCollision Regulations - Lights on vessels quiz
FREE PREVIEWDeviation quiz
FREE PREVIEWElectronic Aids To Navigation - Part 1
FREE PREVIEWCourse to steer YM
FREE PREVIEWRadar with integrated MARPA demonstration by Martin Quaintance of nauticalsoftware.com
FREE PREVIEWIntroduction to the Coastal Skipper and Yachtmaster Offshore Course
Yachtmaster Pack
The structure of the course, the order and the modules
Introduction to chartwork
FREE PREVIEWA short quiz on the Introduction - to get started!
FREE PREVIEWChart Projections
A tip for reading the chart!
The Chart
The Chart quiz
Rocks, wrecks and obstructions
Rock, wrecks & obstructions quiz
Chartwork Homework
Introduction to Module 2
FREE PREVIEWDistance - Measuring distance - Speed & Bearings Part 1
Distance, Speed and Bearings Part 2
Distance, Speed and Bearings Part 3
Position Quiz
FREE PREVIEWPlotting a Position
Plotting a position quiz
A tip when reading bearings from a chart or placing them on a chart - do a rough approximation first
Distance, Speed and Bearings quiz
Using the dividers one handed
Finding the latitude and longitude of a charted mark question
Finding the lat/long of a charted mark answer...and plotting a position and finding out what's there question...
Plotting a position and finding out what's there answer
Light and charted symbols quiz
Chartwork Question 1 - Latitude and longitude of Cape Balshaw Lighthouse?
Chartwork Question 1 Answer
Chartwork question 2- Latitude and longitude of Namley Bar Beacon?
Charwork Question 2 Answer
Checklist for Plotting a Position
Introduction to Module 3
Aids to Navigation 1 - Safe Water Marks, Lateral Marks and Special Marks
Lateral Marks Quiz
Aids to Navigation 2 - Cardinal marks, Isolated danger marks and Emergency wreck marking buoys
Cardinals and Isolated Danger Marks Quiz
Aids to Navigation 3 - Lighthouses, Leading Lights, Sector Lights & Light Vessels
Lighthouses, Sector lights, Leading lights and Light vessels Quiz
The Morse code signals on Navigation Aids that you should be aware of at Yachtmaster
Aids to Navigation Homework
Introduction to Module 4
The Compass
Magnetic Variation
True to Magnetic and back
Deviation quiz
The Compass Homework
Introduction to Module 5
Fixing a position
Fixing a position quiz
Three point fix
Three point fix - the answer
An important note about 'Next to'
How to find places on the RYA charts - a handy tip!
A note about doing homework and assignments
Fixing a Position - Assignmnent - Techniques for visual fixing page 31 question 2
Checklist for position fixing - homework and assignment
Homework 1 - a Fix - the question
Homework 1 - a Fix - the answer
Homework 2 - a Fix - the question
Homework 2 - a Fix - the answer
Nautical Terms
Different types of Boat
The Tidal Hour
Tidal Diamonds & the Tidal Stream Atlas
If you are not sailing for a full hour, how much of the tidal rate do you allow? And what is the minimum amount of time that you would allow for a tidal set and rate?
Tides Homework
Time Zones
Working across time zones when establishing the set and rate of the tide
Which hour of the tide are we sailing on - Question 1
Which hour of the tide are we sailing on Question 1 - Answer
Which hour of the tide are we sailing on - Question 2
Which hour of the tide are we sailing on Question 2 - Answer
Time Zones - homework
Dead Reckoning & Estimated Position
Computation of tidal rates
Computation of rates quiz
Tides Homework - inc Computation of Rates and working across 2 or more tides
Leeway and how we apply it
Estimated Position - including Deviation and interpolation of tidal rate using the computation of tidal rates table
Advanced Estimated Position
Projected Estimated Position
Calibrating the depth sounder
Dead Reckoning & Estimated Position Homework
Checklist for Estimated Position - homework and assignment
Working across more than 1 tidal hour
Dead Reckoning and Estimated Position page 12 question 5 - Assignment
Course to steer YM
Course to steer with Deviation and a 4.1m range
Scaling your chartwork for Course to Steer
International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea - Collision Regulations
Traffic Separation Schemes, Narrow Channels, Precautionary Areas and Moving Prohibited Zones
Course to Steer Homework
Checklist for Course To Steer - homework and assignment
IRPCS (Colregs) Homework
The Works! - Course to steer across two tides, two time zones, computing the tidal rates, clearing bearings, the lot
Course To Steer - question 2 - Assignment
Weather 1
Weather 1 - Highs and Lows and the passage of a depression quiz
Collision Regulations Part 1 - Lights on vessels
Collision Regulations - Lights on vessels quiz YM
FREE PREVIEWCollision Regulations Part 2 - Day Shapes
Collision Regulations - Day shapes quiz YM
Collision Regulations Part 3 - Sound Signals
Collision Regulations - Sound signals quiz
The Phonetic Alphabet and the Flag Signals - What you should be aware of at Yachtmaster - and what is worth knowing
Apps to help you remember the Colregs, lights and shapes
Weather 1 Homework
Collision Regulations Homework
Weather 2
Weather 2 quiz
Weather 3
Weather 3 quiz
Navigating in restricted visibility
Rope and Basic Seaman's knots
Weather 2 and 3 Homework
Meteorology - question 2 - Assignment
Interpreting the synoptic chart - assignment
Tidal Heights
Tidal curves for the standard ports - Victoria, Port Fraser, Namley, Dunbarton, Hamilton, Colville, Port Fitzroy
Tidal Heights Quiz
FREE PREVIEWSecondary Ports
Establishing the Depth of Water to Anchor in to be Afloat at LW
Which tide table to use bite-sized version
Which tide table to use full version
Mean Tidal Ranges Table - By Port for HAT - MHWS - MHWN - MLWN - MLWS - Page 12 in the Training Almanac
A sheet of Crocodiles for working out time and height differences
Tidal Heights Homework
Checklist for Tidal Heights - homework and assignment
Tidal Heights - question 10d - Assignment
Electronic aids to navigation Part 1
Electronic aids to navigation Part 2
The Chart Plotter
Radar & MARPA demo
Radar and the EBL demo
Radar MARPA harbour exercise
Radar 3 point fix by radar range
Electronic Aids to Navigation Homework
Port Signals and Moiré Lights
The Running Fix
Pilotage Homework
Passage Planning - Hamilton to the Farlow River - Part 1 - Appraise
Passage Planning - Hamilton to the Farlow River - Part 2 - Plan
Passage Planning - Hamilton to the Farlow River - Part 3 - Execute
Passage Planning - Hamilton to the Farlow River - Part 4 - Monitor
Passage Planning - Hamilton to the Farlow River - Part 5 - The answer to the EP question
A real passage from the Hamble to St. Helier in Jersey
Passage Making Homework
Passage Making - question 8 - Assignment
Running Fix Assignment
How to read the Reeds Almanac - the port and secondary port information
Safety - Safety Equipment, Lifejackets, Fire and Gas
Safety - Safety Equipment, Lifejackets, Jackstays, fire and Gas Quiz
Distress, Distress Signals and Rescue Beacons
Distress and Distress Signals - Quiz
GMDSS - VHF DSC and the distress call
GMDSS VHF DSC and the Distress call - Quiz
The liferaft and the helicopter rescue
Man Over Board - return to the man and retrieval
Protecting the environment
Before we set sail
Safety Homework
Introduction - don't forget to read the notes below the video
Pre-assesment Chartwork Paper assignment
Pre-assessment IRPCS Collision Regulations Paper assignment
Passage making pre-assessment appraisal assignment
Pre-assessment Passage Plan assignment
Commercial Endorsements and Invigilated Assessments